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My Making Money Magazine and Voila Success are rolling out our amazing affiliate program which allows you to sell ebook editions of some of our great titles and make a fantastic commission on every sale you generate.

Share our success and earn up to 50% commission by promoting our ebooks on your site or blog.   It’s simple to do and it’s free! What more could you ask?  We use Click2Sell to conduct our affiliate program.

Typical commission on each ebook is 50 per cent and joining our affiliate programe takes just 60 seconds (we’ve timed it) and will make you money.

The first three books to be included in our affiliate program are:

Secrets of Success

secretsWhat is the secret of success? What is the magic formula that decides who will succeed in life, love and business? When is a good time to quit your existing path and change your direction? All of these questions and much more are answered in Secrets of Success. Secrets of Success proves that if you are committed to achieving a goal, you can make it come true, no matter what; no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what anyone else thinks. This amazing thought provoking book is your first step to leading a more successful life. Secrets of Success will provide you with simple PROVEN strategies for turning your dreams into reality. Greater levels of performance and achievement are attainable by anyone. This book offers the proven self-empowerment tools and time-tested performance strategies that are the basis for personal and professional success.


Walking Your Life

walking your life 3d coverThe individual stories published in Walking Your Life will hopefully motivate you, teach you in a specific way to uncover your true potential, and overcome your barriers. Walking Your Life will leave you with the opportunity to develop not only your personality, but also your self-belief, perseverance and your ability to push past obstacles. Walking Your Life reminds us that even the most cruel suffering can have mysterious value. And life, even on the edge of death, can be beautiful.
This is an ebook of  Walking Your Life which is compatible with all iOS (Apple) and Android devices and can also be read on a PC and Mac.

success-3d2The Book of Success

The Book of Success is a life-changing book that offers precious, practical and thought-provoking insights that will inspire you to be the best you can be at home, at work, and everywhere in between.
Written by entrepreneurs, coaches and motivation experts from all over the world, The Book of Success is a guide to bringing your desires into reality using laws of the universe that never fail. This book is a power-packed manual for anyone wanting to improve their life.
The Book of Success highlights the principles for success
which have been tried and tested and are known for getting people where they want to go. Also included are real life case studies from businesses that have applied these principles to help them achieve success in their respective fields.

This is an ebook of The Book of Success which is compatible with all iOS (Apple) and Android devices and can also be read on a PC and Mac.  Click here to join our affiliate program for this book.

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