Achieving Your Goals Is Determined By Mindset

We have become so accustomed to fear the world we live in. It’s almost as if we are unable to open our hearts and trust the prospect of feeling good because there is a sense of safety and control when we stay in our comfort zone. Unconsciously, we tell ourselves we can’t feel this good all of the time and we constantly wait for the other shoe to drop or for something to go wrong. The problem is, having this kind of mindset fuels our limiting beliefs and simply shows us we lack belief in ourselves.

You are in charge of your mind, therefore your results

Your unconscious mind does not process negatives. If I said to you “don’t think of a blue cow”. Your unconscious mind needs to picture a blue cow in order for it to picture the cow not being blue. The direction isn’t clear so it’ll keep showing you a blue cow. Close your eyes, try NOT to picture a blue cow. It needs clear and simple instructions in order to give you exactly what you want. Asking for what you want rather than what you don’t want is the key to achieving your goal. Tell your unconscious mind specifically what you want and what you are moving toward not away from.

We can develop our own miracle mindset 

Miracles don’t need to be these big, life-changing moments that need to happen when we need them to most. You know, those kinds of miracles that Hollywood stars pray for in your favourite blockbuster. A miracle is merely a shift in perception. They are always around us. We can choose to see and embrace each and every one of them. They can be as small as getting the parking spot closest to the entry of a store or even a smile from a stranger passing by. They are the trust we have in the universe knowing that it’s going to be all good. The miracle mindset is not going to happen overnight. It is a muscle that needs continuous attention and usage. By simply switching a limiting belief to that of a miracle, we can release the fear and live in a happy and wanted state of mind.

Goal-setting with a miracle mindset

When we set goals, how often do we believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that we can achieve them? Most of us don’t because we’re experiencing negative patterns telling ourselves that we can’t do it. You may not even begin a project for fear of failure. Goals will seem absolutely impossible to achieve when you’re in the wrong mindset. Living life with a joyful outlook is based on your positive mental attitude, empowering tendencies and good, healthy habits. Your chances of achieving your goals are far greater than those with a glass half empty attitude. Your mindset determines your energy and the action you’re going to take. A miracle mindset can be achieved and I will explore this in the coming months.

“If you hear a voice within you saying, ‘you are not a painter’, then by all means paint – and that voice will be silenced.” Vincent Van Gogh.

Do you need help achieving your own miracle mindset? I will explore this in the coming months. In the meantime, check out Miracle Mindset Coaching.


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