All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go!

This Pandemic is not just a piece of fun in some people’s way of thinking and probably many will say, ‘It will never happen to me.’  So they soldier on not doing what the Government have asked everybody to do.  I can really class the populace of the United Kingdom as silly having judged sneaky lowdown tricks that some have done.  The person who thought it was funny to steal toilet rolls from someone’s shopping trolley – they are the lowest of English Scum.


I thought I, as a British subject would never state such an outlandish remark about my own nation and if you had the experience of being witness to a war, you would know what I was be talking about – having to endure one and having to fight in one to protect our sovereignty.


Having to endure the second world war was an example of how people acted in an exemplary manner.  People were bombed out of their houses, that’s hardship, people losing their loved-ones, that’s heart-breaking.  Many houses suffered parts of their properties missing and our house received three direct hits and we had no front door, windows, backdoor or roof at one time – and other people didn’t come round and loot because we were all in the same boat – like we are now.


Things that we take for granted today have been snatched away and we must think of those people who are alone with nobody to turn to.  The neighbours that are old and infirm.  The people who are suffering and having to fight their ailments to stay alive. It can’t be an easy life for them and having to rely on your fellow-citizens to help may be asking some people who are literally too self-centred and selfish.


To stop this pandemic is to take the advice of the government and medical guide lines that have been given – it is not a game of chance or a game of consequences – it is for real and the sooner we start in earnest to do the right thing the sooner it will stop.


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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