Amber Clarke is new columnist at The UK Newspaper

Hi, I’m Amber. I’m the Founder and Mindset Coach of Miracle Mindset Coaching.

Over 10 years in the marketing and communications industry has given me certain attributes to better assist in understanding myself and the people around me. Personally and professionally, I’ve always been a people person. Curious and constantly on the hunt for more ways to learn, grow and transform. I’m a thirty-something ex-party girl who found her alignment and I have made it my mission to help other women do the same.

I created Miracle Mindset Coaching for women like me. Stuck between what feels like a rock and a hard place. On one side, you have your friends in long term relationships and having children and on the other, you have those friends who are still partying like they’re in their twenties. I wasn’t ready for marriage and kids but I had certainly outgrown the night life. I felt there wasn’t really a third way forward. Until my spiritual awakening. A moment to pause. A moment to turn inward. A series of moments devoted to my personal development. Everything I had been searching for, was inside of me. Happiness, peace, wholeness. It was all right there.

Becoming a Mindset Coach gave me the opportunity to fulfil my purpose and share my learnings and assist transforming other people’s lives like I transformed my own.

I am a Certified Coach, Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Certified Practitioner of Matrix Therapies. I have also previously completed my Master of Communication as well as a Bachelor in Business & Commerce (Marketing).

Over the coming months I am very excited to share with you my areas of expertise that include creating and maintaining a positive mindset, use of NLP techniques, spirituality, experiencing miracles and everything in between.

Amber will be writing a regular column for The UK Newspaper starting from next week.

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