Another Year! Another Wave!

Going back over these past months through this lockdown over Covid-19 pandemic, I have noticed that persons young or old have contributed to extending this accursed disease by not obeying the rules laid down by our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and the Conservative government.


People have not been fair in their attitude regarding this and I am the last person that doesn’t like being told what to do by someone else, but if it is going to save my life why not do the sensible thing?  Placing the National Health Service in such a predicament as to which patient to save from dying is like playing Russian Roulette and it might be your family that experiences this because you decided to go your way, not thinking about anybody else.


Their selfish ego has cost somebody’s life – how clever they are and life must be a cheap commodity.  Doctors and nurses are trained to safe lives and the selfish thugs are placing those persons in danger as well as all the carers who are in the front line of this pandemic.


Yes, going back to when all this started, just after Christmas 2019 and about March when it reared its ugly head and everybody took a step backwards, some didn’t want to believe there was such a thing lurking in this world and the worrying thing is they still don’t and they are the ones who are spreading Covid-19, until of course they catch it themselves and then they try to blame it on the government, stating they didn’t act quickly enough to stem this killer, but then I have to ask this question – if they didn’t believe there was such a thing as Covid-19 – how can they possibly blame the government for something they believe didn’t exist in the first place?


Their stupidity in acting like brainless selfish morons extending the pandemic to a further wave of Covid-19 is going to be their legacy to the world.


It has been mooted because certain persons are looking for a scapegoat regarding this pandemic and it came to my ears that “Senior Citizens” or if you are the old school, “Old Age Pensioner’s” are to blame for bringing the country to its knees with Covid-19.  Utter nonsense – I’m afraid it is the government who forgot the Senior Citizens in all the Care Homes and many have died because of this neglect as per the interview when a spokesman was put on the spot when being interviewed with the question: “What made you think that old persons in Care homes were safe?”  He couldn’t answer the question!


I must admit that the Government’s decision to grant £16.5 Billion to boost the defence budget is rather ill-timed especially when Doctors, Nurses and Carers should get a substantial rise.  After all, they are the ones placing themselves in danger by saving lives!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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