Australia’s Top Ten Financial Specialists: Amanda Cassar

Amanda Cassar

Amanda Cassar is a Financial Adviser based on the Gold Coast of Australia, living with her husband and two teenage children and you’ll often their friends also running tame throughout the family home with a cat, dog, turtles and fish thrown in also.  She runs a successful financial planning practice, Wealth Planning Partners and is involved in a new venture to encourage female empowerment around money, called Financially Fabulous.  She has been in the financial services industry since leaving high-school and enjoys travelling throughout Australia to assist her clients.

Amanda has a Masters Degree in Financial Planning and loves assisting her clients set and attain their goals too, with protection strategies for their existing wealth, plans on how to best manage within our means, and still retire in style.

With an appetite for good food, great wine, the company of friends, diving and travel, she works to indulge in her passions and live a great lifestyle.

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