The Nick Radge Feature: Losers make the best winners

Losers make the best winners – something new parents should teach their children instead of giving…

What is your company story?

Does your business have an interesting history?   Was the company created through unusual circumstances, did the…

Learn the stock market basics and profit like an expert

For those unfamiliar with the stock market, it can seem like it’s speaking a foreign language…

21st Century Oil-onomics

When oil topped out at $145 per barrel in July 2008, pressure on goods producing nations…

Bigger is Better

“How much money do I need to start trading the stock market?” is generally the first…

How World-Class Finance Organizations Outperform: Improved Effectiveness, Half the Cost & Staff

World-class finance organizations continue to outperform their peers by delivering high-value services at about half the…

FTSE Vs The Rest of the World

Something I am often asked is why the FTSE 100 stock index has under-performed compared to…

Masterclass: Trading The Dividend Seasons

It’s well known that share prices tend to move upward ahead of their respective dividend dates.…

Your Excuses are Boring and Getting You Nowhere

“I missed a great trading opportunity today because I didn’t get my advisers email telling me…