High As A Kite!

First and foremost I want to make it quite clear that I believe in the democratic quality of what this government is trying to achieve and how it might be important that some drugs are allowed when pressure of work becomes hairy and having come across a report already suggesting that Senior Executive Officer’s and Members of Parliament rely heavily on such forbidden fruit as a stimulant to get through the day to day stresses has proved to be correct!

Pundits talk about percentages and there are charts and graphs galore regarding the usage of drugs and if a person only smokes 5% of Cannabis per day, he or she is allowed to make important decisions on a daily basis.  Only 5% per day can mount up over the course of a year which is frightening.

You can imagine charts on office walls in Downing Street of the list of drugs you are allowed to take for each high profile job you hold – anybody exceeding this level will be fined £1.00 and receive a slap on the wrist.  Anybody outside those walls will be fined £1000.00 and clapped in irons and like the Monopoly Board – “DO NOT PASS GO. DO NOT COLLECT £200.00 – GO STRAIGHT TO JAIL” and you won’t get a Community Chest or Chance Card or roll in double six to get out.

I do realise that the economy of this country is extremely important but I find the possibility of some of the Prime Minister’s back benchers voting against the latest lockdown somewhat ludicrous in view of the steady (and frightening) rise in Covid.

Playing with peoples lives is not what we intended this party most of the UK voted for in the last General Election to do.  People are dying right, left and centre of Covid-19 and even the unbelievers who vehemently deny there is no such thing can’t be that stupid!  Thirteen year old boys and girls don’t die of influenza, however much you want to believe it and when it happens in their families, what then, are they going to call it “AN ACT OF GOD!?”


You can’t really believe this, but the ANTI BREXIT members are re-branding their party –The Anti-lockdown Party Reform UK– Tell me, are these members taking drugs with their morning cup of coffee, instead of biscuits?  It’s almost laughable if there wasn’t a serious side to this!  Also this party said Ministers had lost touch with the nation and the government actions were too slow to stop the virus from spreading. My goodness, these people pointing their fingers have lost reality and are intent on fighting their own colleagues.  Someone tell them if we unite as one “We can beat this terrible disease, but divided we will ALL LOSE!”  Cut the squabbling and do something decent for a change.  Govern properly or step down!

The NHS are limited to the amount of patients they will be able to save and people who have been tested and have Covid-19 will, I am sorry to say, die and no amount of Community Chest or Chance Cards or roll in double six to get out will help them.


One last thought.  Spike Milligan stated once when entering a Lunatic Asylum for respite: ‘It’s not the people who enter into this establishment you have to worry about, but the people left outside.’  How right he was!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.


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