How To Become Rich!

If you know the answer – please tell me!  Although I have an inkling of why everybody else becomes rich because they (other people) take your money from you by various forms such as advertising, which is more than likely to be the main culprit and the second contender is the SCAMMER or is it SCUMMER – I’m not sure about that.


If anybody rings from your bank with some lame excuse – DON’T PANIC!  It’s not from your bank – they DON’T telephone their customers – even if they state they are the FRAUD DEPARTMENT of the BANK in question.  NEVER RING BACK AND NEVER GIVE ANY DETAILS OF YOUR BANK ACCOUNT!  Visit your bank and set up a connection with your bank by private means that only you and your bank know.  NEVER ASK SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT FOR YOU!


It is a pity that many persons have been caught out by these “experts” in hoodwinking and they have the expertise of making up stories that your account has been broken into and money has been taken out.  I have had this experience myself and I always put the phone down straight away and I never pick up the phone and telephone my bank – and if I need to I use another telephone that my Bank doesn’t know about and telephone them.  My password is unique and can not be used by any living person on this planet!


I have had recorded messages from persons stating that my BT Internet is being terminated later today more than three times in a day over several weeks and I am pretty sure I’m due for another bout soon and I think: “Are these people thick – how many times can they terminate my connection with the BT Internet?”


I have been promised wealth beyond my wildest dreams and I must say they certainly make it plausible until they ask for my bank details and that’s when their story collapses.  I just say send me a cheque with my name on it and deduct any administration costs from the amount.


If you are offered lots of money or you have won first prize in a contest you never entered for and they will say you bought something on the internet and it was entered by the company – it’s all a load a BULL____!


If you want to keep your money – don’t give any details of your bank, your name or anything – they may already know your name – but don’t confirm that you are the person they are speaking to unless of course you have made arrangements for someone to telephone you.  Persons of that ilk might take a chance and say something that might ring true but please, please just put the telephone down and don’t pick it up because they might keep the line open their end – USE ANOTHER TELEPHONE!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.


Next time:  Romance Blossoms with a Christmas flavour



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