Metal Mickey!

A well known pro Tory National Newspaper names Boris Johnson “The Iron Man” – I beg to differ, there is no way he could ever be known as that because of his absence from the people that have been driven from their homes by floods.  He has shown his true colours – I suppose it is a case of follow my leader – what with Donald Duck on the other side of the pond they make a wonderful pair of dudes, sorry I meant duds.  The Environ-mental Minister has spoken for the P.M. stating he does care – of course he cares about his train set!


I just wonder about the world in which we all just about survive and I keep thinking about all those people who gave their lives in countless wars defending this country against tyranny, so we that are left can have a better life. We don’t have to look any further than our own boundaries of Westminster to find this out.  Those that have gone might be turning over in their graves if they knew what a mess this current government has made and to top it all – serial burglars are going to be pardoned according to a headline in a pro Tory National Newspaper.

Is it going to be placed in evening classes’ curriculum – become a burglar, the pay is good and you are bound to make life for someone miserable?  No good reporting to the police you’ve been robbed under Boris Johnson’s rule – then again can you really believe the stories you read in pro Tory National Newspapers or is it just sensationalism or do they just like putting the fear of God into the minds of the populace?


It is easy to lay the blame onto Jeremy Corbyn for the outcome of the election – which is untrue and even his own party members are pointing a finger – it seems to me they have got the wrong end of the stick and I am not defending his actions as the leader of the Labour Party – but I did recognise his frustration and he believed he was doing the right thing.  At least he had the decency of calling on those who needed someone to visit those members of the public in their darkest hour – the flood victims!


Anyone with common decency, especially a Prime Minister would immediately have visited these people and this just goes to show that this man doesn’t care a damn!


We have to lay the blame to the people who voted the Cons into power and yet at some time in the past everyone in this country stated how dreadful the history of the Conservatives were with their trying to get rid of the NHS and making things difficult for Doctors and Nurses, so much so, everyone was leaving and now the Cons are trying to build up the NHS, we are led to believe, by some bloke at the top who has stated he has given them X number of millions and another yet there doesn’t seem to be any proof of this!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.


Next time: What will he do or don’t do next time?

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