Milton Collins: Delight, Disrupt, Deliver

Milton Collins is no stranger to business. With a proven record of delivering exceptional results in all areas of business, he possesses an intuitive capacity to identify key drivers and successfully implement plans and strategies, leading many businesses to sustained success.

From winning the inaugural Business Excellence Awards in Tourism and Hospitality, he and his team at Campaspe Country House went on to be finalists on 10 occasions and winners of 6 Awards including Business of the Year.

Since selling that business, Milton has continued his involvement with the Business awards as a Mentor, Judge and Sponsor. He is also currently a Judge of The Victorian Tourism Awards.

Milton’s experience is diverse; After completing his Economics Degree at The Australian University, he started with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) as an accountant, he then progressed to partnership in his own accounting firm which he grew to 8 partners and 200 staff.

He has owned an Importing and Distribution Business, a Cattle and Horse Stud, an Equestrian Centre and competed at National level in 3 Day Eventing. He also had a stint as CEO at Federation Square in Melbourne running the Transport Hotel Group and Taxi Kitchen.

This broad experience has led Milton to his current passion as a sort after Business Coach with the world’s leading Coaching firm Action Coach. It’s a role in which he has helped hundreds of small business people to meet the challenges and maximise the opportunities of their enterprises. Let’s explore Milton’s approach to coaching on a deeper level.

Milton, what is the most important thing business owners can do to ensure success?

Set specific goals and be accountable. Ensure that your team understands your vision and business culture. Have a quantifiable and measurable plan.

Milton’s strategy.

As a coach, I work on your own personalised needs. I will study and learn your business inside and out, and the advice and guidance you receive will be tailored to your business’ unique circumstances.

I will not only provide you with the advice that you need, but will continue to follow up with you and evaluate your progress. Your personal growth will be nurtured and fostered as you grow and flourish within the program. Having access to ActionCOACH I will construct an Action Plan that will put your goals and plans onto paper and hold you accountable for your own actions. No matter how long it takes, we will not leave your side until we know you are ready to soar.

What makes you stand out from the crowd?

I am highly qualified, professionally, with diverse experience as a business owner in a variety of businesses, so I am also able to draw on the vast experience and expertise of the world’s largest and best Business Coaching organisation, ActionCOACH. I am prepared to share knowledge and contacts to help propel a business toward achieving far more than they would have by themselves.

Words of wisdom.

More and more in today’s business environment, Business Coaching is becoming a necessary service. Like having an accountant or legal representation, a business coach helps you meet goals, holds you accountable and provides practical solutions for everyday challenges.

One-size-fits all training programs and expensive consultants no longer suit the rapid growth of business and technology needs. Only through a customised and personal approach with an ActionCOACH Business Coach at your side, will your business see real results.

Delight Disrupt Deliver

In my book, I share my business expertise and guide you step-by-step so that you can;

DELIGHT your clients and customers each and every time. DELIGHT your team every day.

DESRUPT your competitors without blowing your budget. DISRUPT your industry.

DELIVER impeccable service every time. DELIVER results!

My easy to implement methods DELIVERS business owners RESULTS and increased PROFITS beyond their wildest dreams.



  1. You’ll get to work less and relax more … The ActionCOACH business coaching program is like having a marketing manager, sales director, training coordinator, partner, confidant, mentor and friend all focusing on the success of your business…
  2. Your ActionCOACH will hold you accountable and keep you focused on your goals and objectives. No excuses. You will finally get that list of “to dos” done.
  3. You’ll learn the easiest and fastest ways to get your business making more cash and how to turn that cash into bottom-line profits.
  4. You’ll learn the most effective team recruitment system ever designed – guaranteed to give you passionate and dedicated team members. You will then have the best people building your business’ future.
  5. You’ll get a new perspective on your business and use data to make decisions that will change your future trajectory. Learn the “rich” mindset, why it is the most powerful strategy we teach and how to get it working for your business.
  6. You’ll learn before you earn. We will instill a passion for learning throughout your entire organization that will raise the level of engagement with everyone in your company. Learning will lead to the mastery of new skills which will increase the organization’s performance.
  7. You’ll get to harness the power of our sales and marketing systems to take your business to the next level. These proven processes and strategies are not only fundamentally sound, they have been tested in thousands of businesses.

Most business owners and entrepreneurs want the same thing – a thriving, successful and happy business that operates like a well – oiled machine. To make this happen, many believe that they need to have big budgets, big marketing Campaigns and big teams. But they’re wrong! I have built thriving, successful, big businesses using the power of small surprises. This unique approach involves maximising extreme Customer Service with the unique surprise experience. My business strategies have reinvented and created iconic businesses in Australia and Coach other business owners to do the same. My approach allows any sized business to DELIGHT DISRUPT and DELIVER.

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