Myths Equal Misinformation

With the vaccine programme proceeding fairly smoothly there seem to be the usual media myths from unknown contenders who are now disbelieving our scientists of long standing.  Of course if these brainless morons win the day by spreading inaccuracies of news the Covid-19 lockdown will last beyond 2022 and the world will cease to become normal.


It is the people that rule and not the government because they haven’t the eyes to see all what goes on in the United Kingdom – Lockdown doesn’t mean much to some people because they are deprived of their freedom, something that this generation can’t get used to.  Those who experienced the second world war, and there can’t be many of us left, know what it is like to be deprived of freedom and over a period of six years.


Admittedly the enemy was visual, whereas today this is a unseen universal enemy that transmits from person to person and with the many variants abroad this will be a long hard war where other people that you may know or not as the case may be are the enemy. Also your enemy won’t know he or she is tainted with the same viral infection.


I just wonder how many of you who state you are Christians who have been recorded on the BBC1 programme “Songs of Praise” before the pandemic started that have abided by the rules and how many of you are still alive to tell the truth?


Many organisations and solo persons have given their all and gave their services to other persons in a selfless manner – these are the people who our once great Prime Minister Winston Churchill quoted on 20 August 1940 during the last war and this could be said of today’s pandemic:


“Never was so much owed by so many to so few”


Of course this would be to no avail when many persons are not doing the right thing and to make all things equal you must believe what the government are telling you.  Believe in the scientists that are guiding the government and believe in the vaccine!



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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