Master Coach And Best Selling Author Simone Grace Seol Shares Her Marketing Tips

Simone Grace Seol is a master life coach, business shaman, best selling author and host of the top rated Joyful Marketing Podcast.

Simone has created a revolution in how life coaches market. She describes her work as helping people break things so they can put the pieces back together better. Simone helps coaches and creatives build profitable businesses by leaning into their messy genius, embracing their weird not just for the sake of making a sale but to genuinely make a difference in the world. In the past 2 years, Simone, who has been diagnosed with ADHD, has created millions of dollars in her own business and helped countless life coaches scale their businesses with joy and sovereignty.

Simone has over 30,000 followers on social media including well known celebrities and her podcast receives over 30,000 downloads per month across the globe.

When interviewing her Simone commented:

I’ve grown my business from $200,000 as a solopreneur, to multiple-millions with a very small team in a matter of 2 years. In the past year, the company’s revenue was at $3.4 million with a 70% profit margin. This is very rare.

What I prioritized in order to make that happen was three things. (1) Doing the work on myself to become the best example of what I sell, (2) achieving a high level of mastery in my craft, and (3) creating marketing assets that gave people incredible incredible results for free.

I believe that the highest ROI activity is giving people experiences and assets for free, but making them so high quality that they are better than what most people pay lots of money for.

When your free stuff is better than other people’s expensive paid products, people will throw money at you and ensure that the word spreads even without you paying for ads.

This focus makes costly and complicated investments in marketing unnecessary.

Because of all this, my social media and email marketing have unheard-of metrics.

Even as I’ve quadrupled the number of my email subscribers in the last 12 months, my email open rate has gone from 50% average to a 60% average (compared to the “industry standard” of 20-25%).

As my Instagram following has gone from hundreds to tens of thousands, my engagement rate is much higher than most “influencers.”

This is not because of any marketing tactic or paying attention to every new algorithm change.

My conversion rates and profitability comes from the fact that my business genuinely, dramatically, and consistently improves the lives of everyone in my sphere, regardless of their ability to pay.

We also measure ROI not just in terms of revenue and profit, but in terms of social impact.

I have given 5% of my gross revenue to philanthropic causes each month for the past two years.

I share profits with my employees, and pay our contractors generously.

As a woman of color with an ADHD diagnosis, I have consistently invested in accessibility as well as diversity, equity and inclusion consulting and training.

That resulted in a culture of business and body of work that closes accessibility gaps and truly includes and uplifts many traditionally marginalized groups.

ROI must be measured not just in terms of dollar inputs and outputs. It must also take into account: (1) the invisible emotional and intellectual labor that goes into the marketing assets people can see, (2) the impact on the emotional and financial health of employees and contractors, (3) the impact on the environment and society, including the marginalized among us.

Because the “returns” our businesses generate, good or bad, won’t just be felt by us. It will be felt by our descendants and the Earth, many generations from now.


By Simone Grace Seol

Simone Grace Seol, is a master life coach, business shaman, best selling author and host of the top rated Joyful Marketing Podcast.

Simone is creating a revolution in how life coaches market. She describes her work as helping people break things so they can put the pieces back together better. Simone helps coaches and creatives build profitable businesses by leaning into their messy genius, embracing their weird not just for the sake of making a sale but to genuinely make a difference in the world. In the past 2 years, Simone, who has been diagnosed with ADHD, has created millions of dollars in her own business and helped countless life coaches scale their businesses with joy and sovereignty.

Simone has over 30,000 followers on social media including well known celebrities and her podcast receives over 30,000 downloads per month across the globe.

Simone gained a masters in public health, intending to go into Epidemidiology (patterns of mental illness) and intended to go into public health research before following her passion and setting up as a Tarot reading hypnotist. Simone loved using her talent to help people but didn’t make a great deal of money following traditional ways of marketing and selling. Eventually Simone cracked the code to selling in a way that didn’t feel icky to her.

This new ‘joyful – love based’ method tore up the marketing rule book and resulted in Simone’s business scaling to nearly $1M in revenue in a year and is proof that it’s possible to grow wildly successful business by embracing your unique, rather than in spite of it.

A former writer, Simone’s articles have been published in Quartz, The Federalist and National review and has been quoted in Press Gazette.

Raised in the USA, Simone resides half of the year in South Korea but lives a location independent lifestyle with her husband and their baby son, fondly referred as Panda Baby.


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