The six best affirmation videos ever

Affirmations have helped thousands of people make important changes in their lives. They work because they have the ability to program your mind into accessing and believing the repeated statements and concepts. There’s more on why and how they work (or don’t work) later.

Despite the stigma, talking to yourself is a completely normal practice we all engage in at one time or another. In fact, talking to yourself is good for your mental health—as long as you’re having a positive conversation. Affirmations foster a positive mental attitude to put you in a better mind-space for positive thinking and self-empowerment, which is why I encourage my clients to use them in their daily lives.
The problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. We talk ourselves into believing that we’re not good enough. And, as a result, these thoughts drag down our personal lives, our relationships, and our careers.
But, if we deliberately do the opposite and use positive thoughts about ourselves, the effect can be just as powerful but far more helpful.  We’ve watched hundreds of affirmation videos so we can bring you the best affirmation videos ever.

Here are the six best affirmation videos ever

1. Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind. 12 Most Powerful Wealth Affirmations

A relative newcomer to affirmations arena, Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind. 12 Most Powerful Wealth Affirmations is quite possibly the most empowering money mind-set video you’ll ever watch and listen to. These 12 simple yet powerful wealth affirmations will transform your financial life. Listen daily for just 21 days to reprogram your mind-set to one of wealth, prosperity and financial success. Highly recommended.


2. I AM Affirmations for creativity (Powerful). Unlock your creative mind

Another newbie and definitely a video that you simply shouldn’t miss if you want to become more creative. Over 30 minutes of powerful and inspirational affirmations backed up by mesmerizing 4K video and a soundtrack recorded in 528MHz. Unlock your creative powers with these I Am affirmations for creativity. The video says that only 5 percent of creative people know these affirmations. You should join them. This video is inspired by the book Siddhartha by Hermann HesseClick this link to pick up a copy.


3. I have everything I need to get everything I want

If you’ve ever found yourself putting things off until the perfect moment, or even delaying an action until you’ve got more money, experience, confidence or just plain old enthusiasm, this is the perfect ‘I Am’ video for you.  The title says it all.  After just a week of listening and watching this video, you’ll beat procrastination and launch yourself into a new life.  These are truly life changing commandments to success, wealth and happiness.

4. Affirmations for Positive Thinking

OK, this video has been around for a few years but its still worth taking a look at. Employing a cartoon presentation with a voice over, Affirmations for Positive Thinking features 20 Positive Thinking Affirmations that you should say. Positive daily affirmations can change your life!




5. Powerful Morning ‘I Am’ Affirmations

This video is simply stunning to watch and powerful to listen to.  One of the most efficient forms of mental preparation is morning affirmations. Have you ever wanted to change something about your life? You go to sleep thinking, “Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow will be the beginning of the rest of my life.” The desire to change your life is so strong you can barely fall asleep thinking about how great tomorrow will be.  That’s where this video comes in. Powerful Morning ‘I Am’ Affirmations has half an hour of soothing voice over that helps you reprogram your subconscious mind by feeding it experiences of success.  This video was inspired by the book, My Book of Blessings.  Click this link to pick up your copy.

6. Releasing Negative Thoughts Spoken Affirmations for a peaceful, calm positive mind

Another oldie but goodie. Releasing Negative Thoughts Spoken Affirmations for a peaceful, calm positive mind has been around since 2016 but is still one of the most empowering affirmation videos ever made. Clocking in at just over 30 minutes, this awesome video will give you all the motivation you need to achieve your goals and become the best version of you.

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