Ways You’re Letting Your Fear of Rejection Stop You and What to Do About It

  • Do you find yourself avoiding rejection?
  • Do you have a rejection list of the people you would never want to disappoint?
  • Do you think that people pleasing is your only way to be liked and accepted?

Facing your fear of rejection

If so, it’s time to stop being afraid of rejection. Rejection is inevitable in life and there are ways to stop it from ruining your life. Fear is a natural human emotion that can be healthy, but it can also be crippling. Fear of rejection is one of the most common fears that people have. It can stop you from doing new things and taking risks. It is important to understand that fear of rejection does not just happen in romantic relationships, it can happen in any type of relationship. You may feel like you are being rejected by people at work or your friends and family members for no reason at all. However, the reality is that there are many things you can do to overcome these feelings and get past your fear of rejection.

Are you letting your fear of rejection stop you by doing any of the below?

  • You don’t ask for help when you need it because you don’t want to seem incompetent or vulnerable. 
  • You avoid networking events where there might be people who could help your career because you don’t want to get rejected.
  • You don’t speak up in meetings even when the topic is something that interests you because it’s easier to stay silent and not get rejected than risk being wrong and then getting rejected.
  • You never ask for feedback on your work because someone might tell you that it’s not good enough.
  • Thinking that people will judge or ridicule your idea. Most people are too busy worrying about their own lives and problems and won’t have time for yours!
  • Thinking that the worst will happen. When we think the worst is going to happen, it usually does. So when you have an idea, don’t be afraid to share it with someone who might be able to help you make it a reality. You may just get what you need from them!

Ok, so now we have identified the ways you’re letting fear of rejection stop you, now it’s time to explore how we can destroy and overcome that fear. This is a simple 5-step process. 

  1. ACCEPT IT: Recognise your fear of rejection is irrational and based on a false assumption that you’re not good enough. Accept that rejection just means someone else doesn’t want what you have to offer, and there is always someone who does.
  2. THE POWER OF POSITIVE SELF TALK: Don’t rely on others for validation or approval – instead, focus on what feels right for you in order to feel confident in yourself and your abilities. This includes the kinds of things you tell yourself. Positive mantras can work a treat and help you build a positive mood and confidence! 
  3. DON’T LET IT DEFINE YOU: Find ways to change the way you see yourself by changing your perspective – focus on what makes you unique and valuable.
  4. BUILD THAT CONFIDENCE BABY: Don’t rely on others for validation or approval – instead, focus on what feels right for you in order to feel confident in yourself and your abilities. When you have your confidence in check, you know your worth and don’t need to seek this from external sources.
  5. SHIFT YOUR FOCUS: Where focus goes, energy flows. This quote is about how energy flows and how it can be used for our advantage. We should focus on what we want to happen and not on what we don’t want. This way, the energy will flow in the direction of our focus. Let’s shift away from the fear of rejection and focus on what you DO want to achieve.

Fear of rejection can stop you from getting what you want. I hope this article can help you face your fears of rejection and get you closer to living your dream life!

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