You are your own Destiny

Author Profile: Leann Middlemass

leanneLeann Middlemass has been married to Darren for twenty years and together they have a 15 years old daughter named Reece.

Leann has spent nearly 20 years teaching financial literacy after studying under Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad Poor Dad.) Leann not only embraced many of Robert’s investing techniques but also advocated his philosophies such as “you past does not equal your future” and “you don’t need money to make money.” Leann went on to be a seminar guru and has run or attended over 200 seminars.

In 2009 she transitioned over to the field of Emotional Wellness after experiencing a ‘break with reality’ following a series of personal issues which unleashed decades of unhealed emotions.


As her outpouring of grief and anger came to the surface she found herself struggling under its weight. At one stage in order to eliminate her massive pain and suffering she even contemplated taking her own life.

Fortunately a friend intervened and explained how and why she was giving her power away. She invited Leann to participate in a 12 weeks course and by week 3 the tide began to turn. Most of the tips and techniques being taught to remove anger from within were so simple that within a matter of weeks not only had she turned her life around but forged a new Destiny in the process.

Surprised that this information was not commonly taught Leann set a new mantra to help people understand how their emotional baggage (most of which is created in their childhood) can actually wreak havoc in adult lives.

And so a new adventure became.

Leann’s absolute passion is to help teenagers remove their own emotional baggage so that they are equipped to navigate adulthood with ease and grace.


Book Synopsis: You are your own Destiny

In 2009 I suffered a ‘break with reality’ following the death of my father. It was not his actual death that caused what I now call my ‘dark days’ but a series of personal issues directly afterwards that opened my ‘Pandora’s box.’ You know that place where you keep all your anger and past hurt.

Once the lock on my box was opened decades of anger, regret and unhappiness spilled out sending my emotions into over load. I struggled to know which one to deal with first. The weight of juggling so many became burdensome. My physical and mental health suffered as a result. At one stage I thought the only way to end my pain and suffering would be to end my life.

They say when the student is ready the teacher will arrive. On the day when life seemed its bleakest I took a call from a friend embarking on an emotional wellness program and she asked would I like to join. Our conversation lasted for over an hour and by the time I hung up I realised I had been given a glimmer of hope at the end of a very dark tunnel.

Within weeks my life was totally transformed. I found the tips and techniques I learnt to express the anger I had held for years were really quite simple. I was surprised how I had not come across them in my 10 years of working in personal development.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was moving out of my comfort zone a step that required a lot of faith and determination to complete.

I started to set good boundaries and never realised how often I let the goal posts move just to accommodate others I stop the lying and blame games that I had become a master craftsman at and I learnt the “art of saying no” so that life would stop pushing me around.

Within weeks of starting my new journey the snowball effect allowed me to leave my old life behind and a new adventure into the unknown began.

In the end I found the one thing I had been looking for my whole life and never realised was missing-inner happiness.

There was a twofold reason as to why I wrote this book.

The first was my need to tell my story. If this could easily happen to me I wondered how many others also suffered a ‘break with reality” due to their emotional baggage.

As I started to tell my story I was surprised at how my story was not that different to others I spoke with. Their STORY always attributed their downfall to someone else or something else external to them.

More surprising was that instead of facing their inner demons head on most chose to numb their emotions with drugs and alcohol.

The second reason that my turnaround was fact. Not months but weeks till I was on the path to recovery. More amazing instead of taking and experiencing the same issues, I choose to embark on a new path. One that help me find the one thing I had been looking for my whole life and never realised was missing – inner happiness.

I am now absolutely passionate in helping other remove their own emotional baggage and experience the new found freedom I am now experiencing,

Leann Middlemass


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