5 Reasons You Should Drink Collagen Tea

Discover the 5 key benefits of drinking Collagen Tea….

Now it’s suffice to say that this article may be slightly biased, as I have developed the world’s first Collagen Tea – but there are so many facts about drinking your daily cup of tea, where there are a myriad of health benefits and where tea has been deemed to be a great option to hydrate your body and improve your health….. So when you look at infusing collagen into tea, and you take the research into account that shows that drinking tea can actually improve your health, and the type of tea you drink can make a big difference to your health – and THEN add collagen peptides to that tea, well…. there are many reasons why you should start drinking collagen tea as part of your daily wellness and beauty routine. Let’s look at these….

Collagen Tea – the benefits

To start, we should clarify that all non-herbal teas are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, and the amount of time the leaves are processed determines whether you end up with a green, black or an oolong tea. These teas are what most people look at when choosing an everyday option, but many people also prefer herbal teas – and that’s really up to you and your taste preferences…. But when we look at collagen peptides – the benefits are the same for everyone – collagen benefits people of all ages, and is colourless, odourless and flavourless, and as we go on to explain, highly beneficial….

1) Collagen Tea has less Caffeine than coffee
Tea has less caffeine than coffee, and actually herbal blends have no caffeine as they are actually made from plant-based fruits, flowers, tisanes, botanicals and herbs, while traditional teas (Black, Green and Oolong),  have less than 50 percent of caffeine that is typically found in coffee… so if you get the jitters from too many coffees, tea may be a great option for you! Add to that the stimulatory effects of collagen, and you’ve got your daily caffeine boost AND collagen fix. We like that!

2) Collagen Tea is great for skin health
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, so as we age, it slowly decreases, actually by 1% to 2% per year from your mid 20’s. It’s important to start supplementing collagen from your late 20’s and into your 30’s to gain the benefits of improved skin health, as collagen works from the inside to help with dull, dry and loose skin, skin pigmentation, rosacea and even stretchmarks, acne and wrinkles and fine lines.  Drinking collagen tea daily will help boost your collagen from within, and give you the added benefit of antioxidants from tea. Try a collagen tea like Fusspot’s “The Showstopper” which also has Nettle leaf and rose petals, which are both great for supporting skin health and circulation.

3) Collagen Tea is great for joints
Collagen not only works on the skin, but it’s important for all soft connective tissue in the body – including joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons and helps strengthen and heal joints, and helps with recovery. If you’re into weights, training, running or any activity and especially as you age, adding collagen tea to your routine, will help support joints and weakened muscles, ligaments and tendons, strengthening the connective tissue.

4) Collagen Tea is great for hair
We all know that collagen supplementation is important for our skin and joints, but it also helps with the hair follicles, and strengthen our hair shaft growing from the inside – think hair loss, brittle hair and greying hair – all of these issues are supported when you drink collagen tea as collagen promotes hair growth for thicker hair results.  Try a collagen tea with Liquorice root which helps support hair growth – our pick is Fusspot’s “Celebrity Skin blend – plus it has other botanicals and herbs to support skin and hair.

5) Collagen Tea is great for your gut health
We all know that our body is highly impacted by our gut health and it is a major influence in our immune system and overall health. Strengthening the inner gut lining by ingesting collagen helps to support a stronger gut, and in turn, stronger health and immunity.

Tea is full of antioxidants which work to prevent the body’s version of rust and thus help to keep us young and protect us from damage from environmental factors, UV rays, smoking, ageing, toxins and pollution. Collagen works from the inside to help support connective tissue, skin,  hair, nails, joints and overall wellbeing. Combined – this is a bioactive functional drink that is easy to take and delicious, and highly beneficial. So you can see, there are many key benefits of drinking collagen tea and it’s a really easy way to get your daily collagen boost and caffeine fix and start your wellbeing journey.
So, load up on collagen tea to reap these benefits and start glowing from the inside.
Pour me a cup please!!

Share with us if you love your daily cup of tea, and which tea you enjoy…..


Written by Sam Arcadipane, the Founder of Fusspot Collagen Beauty Teas. Sam left corporate life to pursue her own business and the dream of offering women something just for them – a little time out with a cup of tea that is also great for your skin healths – but this is no ordinary cuppa, a tea infused with hydrolyzed collagen peptides to support and enhance your skin, hair, nails, joints, bone and beauty from within. Having spent a year developing this range of 11 blends, all infused with collagen peptides and formulated with a Tea Master, she created various organic blends that support your skin and complexion goals with a variety of organic herbs, tisanes, botanicals and plants that will also assist your sleep, energy or detox needs. There are loose leaf teas, environmentally friendly and biodegradable teabag blends, and chai and matcha powder blends.   You can find out about the powerful benefits of each collagen infused tea blend here:  www.fusspottea.com   or follow on Instagram at @prettylittlefusspot  


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