3 Simple Steps to De-Stress

Feeling angry? Snapping at the kids? Struggling to concentrate at work? Feeling overwhelmed? Sounds as though…

Phubbing – A Sign of the Times

What is Phubbing? While the term, “phubbing” is relatively new to me, I’ve become more aware…

Clarity and focus following the failed New Year’s resolution

  As the new year began so many of us came up with New Year’s resolutions…

Relax! Breathe Through Your Eyes

Feeling stressed or anxious? Then stop and take a moment to notice how you are breathing.…

Why You Should Go Teetotal This Festive Season

I woke with a warm wet stickiness to my face.  As I opened my eyes all…

It’s Not Them, It’s You: Unlock Your Potential

We’ve all been there. That situation where we just can’t seem to catch a break. We…

My Friend is Depressed! How can I Help?

“Have you seen Kylie lately?” “Not since Tim’s party a month ago, and she was really…

Do we really need comfy beds?

Do we really need comfy beds, black out curtains and soft pillows and duvets to help…

What is Long Covid?

courtesy image:The long Covid Clinic at The London Psychiatry Centre


The Truth About Hypnosis

As I sat upright in the darkness, the clock ticking in the background, I could hear…