7 Ways to Financial Abundance


  1. Decipher your own personal definition of financial abundance. What it means for another may not be your meaning. You will not find it until you define it. Get specific, get detailed about what you wish to draw to you. What does financial abundance mean for you? What are you receiving? In what ways would you like to receive?   What benefits does this financial abundance bring you? Specify your own truth around what these words mean for you.


  1. Be open to receiving. Meditate on the phrase ‘financial abundance is my reality right now’ and notice any ‘but’s’ that may be appearing in within body, mind or spirit that may highlight any resistance you have to believing, deserving, attracting or having financial abundance today. This will show you if and where any blockages are present. What do you believe about financial abundance right now? Does this belief support the attraction and receiving of abundance? You can then work on releasing that resistance through your own means or via a qualified practitioner.
  1. The space of manifestation encompasses feeling. This is a vortex of attraction where all things are possible. Transit from merely thinking financial abundance into feeling financial abundance. Feel this abundance in your sacral chakra area, an area that houses the ability to nurture and give birth to the seeds of life. As a wise friend once said “thinking has the planes circling the airport, feeling brings them in to land”.
  1. Create imagery around financial abundance by way of a vision board, abundance statements etc. I personally have a notepad of $100 notes that are spread around my desk as I work. To see this money daily in my life has become my new normal. If it’s my new normal, I accept it as an ‘is’ and I attract more of the same. This visual stimulus acts to produce the required feeling of ‘having money’ and places your mind in the scenario of you receiving money, having money, spending money. If this state produces an energy, and all thoughts do, you will be giving a clear signal to the Universe and igniting the Law of Attraction to kick start ‘like attracts like’
  1. Understand that as you are working with an unlimited source, the Universe will only recognise lack if you do first. With this unlimited source comes unlimited means and ways that you can receive this financial abundance. Be open to the fact that you do not know every way all good can come to you, but utilise the energy that does! Commence with your personal definition of abundance, adding that you are open to working with the limitless source the Universe is, to bring all opportunities for your greater good, with ease and grace
  1. Show gratitude, then show some more gratitude! What is gratitude? The acknowledgement of all that is, without labelling it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. What happens when you acknowledge what is without judgment? You are trusting that all is coming to you in divine order and timing for your greater good.   You are igniting the Law of Attraction and stating “I’ll have more of the greater good, please!” The word thank you also acknowledges you; all that is good within you to receive. You are saying ‘I deserve’, ‘I accept’.
  1. Finally, knock and it shall be opened! Regardless of anything you desire, I have found that intent and emotions need to walk alongside action to truly draw something to you. You act, the Universe acts. You are indicating you are a willing and invested player in this manifestation of financial abundance into your life. And this does not have to be by way of your definition of ‘hard’. It can be playful! Take action by making your vision board, take action by browsing through shops and noting what you desire to purchase, take action by changing your online banking password to something positive! Action does not have to be sweating it out, mowing ten lawns to receive $100. It is anything that you choose to do that will being you in the energetic alignment of financial abundance.


– Coach Bobbi 



bobbiCoach Bobbi is a Life Creation & Relationship Specialist and author of the awakening woman’s handbook, 12 Steps to Self Empowerment.

As a qualified Advanced Practitioner of Life Coaching, and Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming & Trainer, Bobbi brings her coaching skills together with personal experience to give women the tools, tips and knowledge to successfully move away from fear and in to the driver’s seat of their life.

Bobbi gives women the permission, the confidence and the skills they need to move from merely existing, into living a life that is rightfully theirs.

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