Easy, natural relief from cold sores

I’ve been very lucky in that I have never had a cold sore, however I know…

Clarity and focus following the failed New Year’s resolution

  As the new year began so many of us came up with New Year’s resolutions…

Relax! Breathe Through Your Eyes

Feeling stressed or anxious? Then stop and take a moment to notice how you are breathing.…


“INTEGRITY, PROFESSIONALISM AND ACCOUNTABILITY” – where have I heard these words before, ah yes, now I…

Tips to help increase sex drive  

It’s common for your sex drive to fluctuate throughout your lifetime with many factors such as…

How working ON your business will put you back in control

Sometimes running your own business can make you feel like you’re out of control. I mean,…

Business and blame culture: A workplace match to avoid

“I didn’t do it, they did!” It’s easy to point the finger when things aren’t working…

My top marketing tactics for 2023

As we approach the end of 2022 it goes without saying that it’s a good time…

Why You Should Go Teetotal This Festive Season

I woke with a warm wet stickiness to my face.  As I opened my eyes all…

Why I am not a traditional psychologist

People seem to have an impression of psychologists. Usually plain white walls, maybe their degrees hanging…