Five Key Business Mindset Tips for GEN Y

1. Use your rebellious nature to your advantageGen Y Blog Image

Gen Y is said to be a rebellious generation, ones who revolt against the system and have a new way of thinking.  The good news is that this is  essential for thriving in a new economy, as using the same plan that your parents used 20 years ago could end up in disaster today – it’s like trying to win the Australian Open with a wooden racket from the 50’s, you are going to struggle!
Therefore, the new perspective on “what is” and “what works” is a recipe for success! The problem with most baby boomers is they are too far programmed and set in their ways, they will not adapt like you can and they are not as tech savvy is a world that is.  So use your free thinking the technical advantages that you have as leading edge.  As Arnold Schwarzenegger famously says, you have to be a maverick, break the rules (not the law) but break the rules!

2. Don’t get distracted

The down side to Gen Y is we are easily distracted. In a world where we have our minds being stimulated with 100 different messages per minute, we struggle to focus and stick to things for long periods of time.
We are also often criticized for being lazy and wanting immediate gratification. It is said Gen Y has very little GRIT.  However, in my opinion, this is a key element to success. If you can, harness your rebellious energy, with youth and excitement but maintain a grounded, high work ethic as in doing this, you will have an unbeatable formula.  So learn to turn off the phone, focus on your work and stick through the tough times. Put in the extra hours, understand Rome wasn’t built in a day and that business isn’t all glitz and glamour like we were sold in movies like “The Wolf of Wall Street’ and you will be a force to reckoned with in the business world!

3. Fear and failure is normal

Even the greats have and had FEAR, this is nothing to be worried about, or to get down about. The greats also fail on a day-to-day basis – again this normal and part of success. So don’t beat yourself up.  The biggest mistake I see in Gen Y entrepreneurs is they have false expectations, they don’t understand how tough business is, how many ups and downs are inevitable and they get down pretty quickly and move onto the next thing.  So stay strong and positive and learn from your failures and other peoples failures! We have more information at our finger tips to learn from than ever before in history, meaning you can grow and develop into a leader in your field in half the time you may have 10 years ago.

4. Let your age be your edge

In your 20’s or early 30’s you should have tones more energy, enthusiasm and be able to put in a lot more hours and run off less sleep than someone in the late 40’s.   Go for the mentality of “catch me if you can”.  Use your single kid free status, lack of mortgage and debts to your advantage. Take more risks while you can, travel, jump on the plane and push the boundaries. Look after your body especially through your nutrition and you will be hard to beat!

5. Learn to be a chameleon

There is a big separation between the personality and etiquette expectations between say a gen y and a baby boomer. Make sure you speak to both according and adapt. Watch your language around older generations, be more professional, throw on a dress shirt and slacks and mirror their language. When talking to gen Y you can loosen up a little bit, let the tongue slip, say it like it is and even wear something a little more trendy.  Please note the worst thing you can do is have no respect for the older generations. Be a chameleon and you can connect with both.

Dave Nelson is a successful entrepreneur, speaker and director who specialises in mentoring Gen Y’s to 6 figure salaries.  He is the Author of “The New Era of Network Marketing” and a director of YOR Health.  For more information, please see or

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