The Secret to Living Life in Receiving Mode

The receiving mindset is the state of mind where you’re ready to receive what is given to you. When you are a receiver, you are not just a passive observer. You go through what feels like an emotional experience. Instead of passively observing, your mind is actively and consciously engaging with the outside world. When you enter receiving mode, you tune in to all your senses and the information coming in, rather than tuning out noise or trying to impose meaning on it.

Receiving mode is something we can consciously enter into as well as something that can happen to us involuntarily. Receiving mode is an essential skill for anyone who wants to be a successful manifester.

It can feel hard to receive, especially when you are in the mindset of giving. One reason for this is that giving seems to be more natural and therefore more common. We often give to those around us because it feels good to do so. On the other hand, receiving feels like we are taking advantage of someone’s kindness. The positive feelings associated with giving make it difficult to break this habit and accept something without feeling awkward or uncomfortable.

The Secret to Living Life in Receiving Mode

Receiving Mode vs. Reaction Mode

Receiving mode is the way we often go about our days. We are constantly taking in information from email, social media, the news, etc. and reacting to it without any consideration for what comes next.

Reaction mode is a state of being that feels like an overreaction – with an instantaneous response to every stimuli coming at you. Reaction mode is not sustainable in the long-run as it can lead to burnout and anxiety.

The best way out of reaction mode is to receive with intentionality by planning your day ahead of time and recognising your triggers before they have any impact on you.

How to Get Into Receiving Mode as Part of Your Daily Practice

Receiving mode can be one of the most challenging mindset shifts to make, but it is also one of the most rewarding. Receiving mode means you are fully present and open to the world. It means you are open to good things happening and ready to receive. If you want to get into receiving mode as part of your daily practice there are several steps which have been found useful in achieving this.

Starting your day with a daily practice session helps to clear your mind of all the unnecessary clutter, as well as adjust your energy levels and mindset. You can get into receiver mode by following these simple steps:

  • Clear your workspace of any distractions, turn off any devices, and unplug.
  • Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
  • Think about which type of receiver you want to be today.
  • Pick up an object in front of you that represents receiving mode (i.e. an apple)
  • Hold the object while you think about what it means to be in receiver mode, how it is different from being in giving mode, and how this will help you today

It is not easy to get in the receiving mode, it takes work and time. But once you have genuinely entered that state of giving and receiving, you are rewarded with a deep connection with your loved ones and a true sense of peace with the world around you. 

If you want to learn more about tapping into your receiving mode, Miracle Mindset Coaching can help you. Read my other articles here.

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