Three Benefits of Identifying our Values

If you don’t know where we’re going, how can we know when we’ve arrived? It starts with knowing our values. Knowing our values is important as it helps us make decisions, take action, and focus on moving forward.

Values can be defined as the qualities we choose to embody which guide our actions. Values are the things that fundamentally matter to people. It is that which motivates us and is worth fighting for. They’re the general guidelines for our behaviour and interactions with others. For example, if someone said they value happiness over success this probably means they want to work towards being happy even if it means sacrificing success.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to figuring out what our values are. We have to define what they are important to us if we want them to be effective in our life. Once we’ve defined our values, we will reap the benefits. Let’s explore the benefits of identifying our values and how they affect our lives.

girl in garden

Knowing our values is like having a life compass 

A strong value system will not only give direction in life, but also serve as a compass when things get tough. At the end of the day, it is our values that define us. If we’re comfortable with our values, then we will be comfortable with our life. We all want to be happy and healthy, but sometimes we find ourselves making decisions that go against what we really care about deep down. But when we know our values, it’s easier to see what’s important and live accordingly because decisions will line up with what matters to us most. People who are aware of their values are more confident and thus they find it easier to make decisions in their lives. Values can change over time based on personal experiences and interactions with others so it’s important to re-evaluate them every now and then.

Values help us make better choices

As humans, we usually want to make the best possible choice available to us at any given moment; values help us do this by guiding our decision-making process and analysing which choice aligns with our values. The clearer we are on what we value in life, the easier it is to make decisions that will help you reach our highest potential. The values we choose should be anchored in our past, present, and future to help us make better decisions. Here are some helpful tips when making decisions:

  • Identify our values;
  • Think about what kind of person we want to be; and
  • Ask ourself: Will this decision get me closer to who I want to be?
Values help increase our confidence

Values are fundamental in determining who you are and who you want to become. Values help determine what we look for in a job, a partner, and a community. Values can help improve our confidence and self-worth. These things play a large role in helping you feel good about ourself. Even if we don’t have any other qualities that would make us feel confident, having something to believe in can go a long way for our mental state. They help increase our confidence because values provide you with the necessary trust required in order to accomplish our goals. Determining what our values mean is an essential part of achieving success because it provides you with the proper motivation to keep going when times get tough.

Do you need help identifying your values? Check out Miracle Mindset Coaching.

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