Welcome our new columnist, Joanne Lockwood, CEO and Founder of SEE Change Happen

Joanne Lockwood is the CEO and founder of SEE Change Happen, an equality, diversity, inclusion & belonging practice, specialising in LGBTQ+ and transgender awareness. She delivers keynote speeches, seminars and workshops and offers support to organisations and business to promote inclusion and break down myths, misunderstandings, and the fear of getting it wrong.

In 2008 Joanne became the first ever transgender National President of the 90-year-old ‘Men’s Club’, The Round Table, and is Chair for the Professional Speaking Association of UK and Ireland (PSA UK&I), and a trustee of akt (formerly Albert Kennedy Trust) whose objective is to support Young LGBTQ+ homeless people throughout the UK.

In addition to being what she calls “professionally trans” through her work, Joanne likes to inspire others and to help them overcome inclusion matters that may be holding them back, or their own impostor syndrome, and to help tackle the prejudices, fears and mental chains that many in the community face, using education and awareness.


Joanne will be writing a regular column for The UK Newspaper starting from next week.

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