The Power of Creativity in Self-Awareness and Personal Change

Creativity can be found in many different forms, such as art, music, dance, design, writing, engineering and science. Creativity can be seen in the form of an idea or invention – something new and original. However, it is not just about making something from nothing; it’s about seeing what others might not see and understanding how things could be different. Creativity allows the freedom to comprehend things from multiple perspectives. Creative people are often seen as having a special talent that others don’t have. This is not true. Creativity is a skill that can be developed with practice and feedback. In fact, I believe that there is a little creativity in everyone.


The importance of exploring our creative side 

According to one of the great humanists in psychology, Abraham Maslow, creativity gets diminished if we don’t allow for it time to flourish. This can lead to negative states such as sadness and anger. Creativity offers a sense of happiness when people get tired of their regular routine. It is something that we don’t often allow ourselves to have time for because of the busyness of our lives.

Yet what if I told you that creativity can be a superpower and not just a natural gift? What if I told you that by stepping back from all of your everyday tasks and exploring your creative side, you would be able to solve problems more efficiently and generate solutions in even the toughest situations? To Maslow, creative people are like happy and secure children. They have a natural curiosity that drives them to explore new ideas, which can help them learn more about themselves and the world around them. 

Three ways to tap into your creative process to deepen your self-awareness & change your life

Creativity and self-awareness are two things that are necessary for an individual to grow and evolve. Creativity is not a one-time event, but a process that needs to be cultivated through practice. With creativity comes self-awareness – where we recognise and understand our own moods, emotions and behaviours. When people are able to deepen their understanding of themselves they will be more aware when they are in a negative state. 

  1. Be more open to new ideas/solutions/opinions, as they may help with an old problem or spark new thoughts. Feel the fear and do it anyway!
  2. Get involved in a creative project that was previously untouched, such as writing a book, starting a blog, painting a mural, or volunteering somewhere. 
  3. Practice mindfulness and focus on all the little details around you – try taking notice of what you see without judging it or creating any narrative about it.

The creative process is a vehicle for transformation. It can be our liberation from the mundane and the meaningless. Creativity should be used to explore and express, not just to reproduce reality. In order to make this transition, we need to understand the connection between creativity and reality. We must never forget that we are not bound by the physical limits of reality, because in truth, all reality is created by us.

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