Handling Menopause During Coronavirus

These are challenging times. Many of us won’t see our families for a few weeks, we are dealing with food shortages and being grounded week after week

All of this can be causing havoc with your mental health, your physical health and your stress levels, so where does this leave you when you’re going through perimenopause?

Increased stress levels can aggravate your menopause symptoms!

You might have noticed that you have new symptoms, maybe your current ones seem more intense. Now I’m not going to tell you to be less stressed, that won’t help but tapping into well proven techniques can help you to manage your stress levels.

Taking 5-10 mins in silence for you. Taking slow deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. In essence telling your body and mind that you are safe. Remember your body  doesn’t know the difference between stress that is life threatening and stress because you had a hot flush or homeschooling your kids is driving you nuts!

Your skin might have changed

Again, stress has a lot to answer for. When you’re going through perimenopause your skin can become dry, itchy and you might have more break outs. But we may also be consuming more sugar and more alcohol. Both which are a natural response to stress but don’t help our skin. Organic, gentle skin care products and keeping moisturised are important. And don’t forgot to hydrate –

You might have more mood swings

Mood swings are common in menopause but lockdown doesn’t help. Suddenly your family stop cleaning up.   Does your partner pull a face because you said something that leaves you wonder why you got together in the first place. Maybe you’re snapping more, maybe you’re feeling more irritable. Or you’re wondering if being menopausal will get you off murder charges.

This is normal, this will pass and hopefully things will return to normality soon, for now find yourself a sanctuary. A hot bath, maybe locking your family outside in the back garden or going for a long walk on your own can all be very supportive at this time.

Remember to keep connected, asking for help and knowing that’s OK to not be OK! And that this time WILL pass


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